//php @include_once '../php/bootstrap.php'; ?>
We have prepared a trial for new players. This trial will set your level. As a result the player will receive or will not receive a handicap. Handicap means extra moves for the player during the game.
· IMPORTANT We are reserving a right to change handicap, in case of intentional of unintentional reducing of your average.
We assume that players are playing fair and if someone set his level in immeasurable way, admin will ask to repeat his trial.
• PRO (0) – no additional
moves (only move „zero”, it is move after the break with ball in hand or as it is)
• Veteran - (+1) – one additional
move during the rack.
• Versed - (+2) - two additional
moves during the rack.
• Rookie - (+3) - three
additional moves during the rack.
• Rising star - (+4) - four
additional moves during the rack.
**In case of proved cheating with handicap, a player will be excluded from every Formula B135 event for 6 months.
*** Handicap is updated after 3 handicap tournaments played by the player.
****We are working on handicap update also during friendly matches.